1. experimentr::balcells
    Data from "Do transitional justice museums persuade visitors? Evidence from a field experiment"
  2. experimentr::barber
    Data from "Does Party Trump Ideology? Disentangling Party and Ideology in America"
  3. experimentr::batteries
    Data from Rutherford's experiment with batteries
  4. experimentr::bruneau
    Data from "The power of being heard: The benefits of ‘perspective-giving’ in the context of intergroup conflict"
  5. experimentr::easton
    Data from "The Democracy of Dating: How Political Affiliations Shape Relationship Formation"
  6. experimentr::frijters
    Data from "Roommate effects in health outcomes"
  7. experimentr::lynn
    Data from "Effect of Server Posture on Restaurant Tipping"
  8. experimentr::mcgrath
    Data from "Chocolate scents and product sales: a randomized controlled trial in a Canadian bookstore and cafe"
  9. experimentr::mullinix
    Data from "The Feedback Effects of Controversial Police Use of Force"
  10. experimentr::murrar
    Data from "Entertainment-education effectively reduces prejudice"
  11. experimentr::nickerson
    Data from "Is Voting Contagious? Evidence from Two Field Experiments"
  12. experimentr::poori
    Data from Yadav's poori experiment
  13. experimentr::rondeau
    Data from "Matching and Challenge Gifts to Charity:Evidence from Laboratory and Natural Field Experiments"
  14. experimentr::sherman
    Data from "Deterrent Effects of Police Raids on Crack Houses: A Randomized, Controlled Experiment"
  15. experimentr::wrenlewis
    Data from "Formalizing land rights can reduce forest loss: Experimental evidence from Benin"
  16. experimentr::youtube
    Data from Rahmani's YouTube experiment